Footprints in the Snow

Footprints in the Snow - watercolour, 16 x 26 cm

I was looking through old watercolours, and I thought I would have another go at this one. Long-standing followers may remember it - 

It's interesting to see the difference in 9 years.

 Tracks in the Snow - 2011 - watercolour, 16 x 26 cm


  1. Good morning Keith!

    A lovely sunny... but cool day.. .in quarantine. To be truthful... I really don't feel all that isolated. In fact I feel a sense of relief to have been able to step off the gerbil wheel.

    Things are indeed changed. Blogger seems stalled... an without motivation or inclination to restart. So be it! I have (reluctantly) switched over to using Face Book and the response has been heart-warming.

    If you are a inclined... check out my post today under Bruce's Timeline. Love this piece today. The composition seems more intimate and inviting than the usual isolation of outlying trekking spaces. A nice change. The color seems more uplifting and not muted. You make a stronger statement I feel in this one! Well done... Good luck with your painting Keith.

    Warmest regards,

  2. Good Evening Bruce,

    I could have written this comment, almost word for word! The weather here is sunny and cool at the moment as well, and quarantine hasn't changed our lives much. Apart from not being able to get out into the wilder places, and feeling strangely nervous about grocery shopping. It's actually pleasant to have less traffic on the roads, and a lot of the time we can't hear any man-made noise at all; just birdsong and the bleating of lambs!

    Blogger does seem to be of less interest now, and without much interaction I wonder whether it's worth the effort. I don't like Facebook either, but it does seem to be easier to connect with people, and not just other artists. I would love to catch up with you there.

    I'm glad you like the painting. I felt that it was more glowing than the previous version, partly I think because the colours aren't broken up by so many white flecks.

    See you around,
    All the best,

  3. Good morning Keith,.

    You... "have taken my words right out of my mouth!" So true Keith. But in looking back over our now lengthy on line friendship... we were always really "Joined at the hip"... and attuned to what happens in the natural world around us. Our senses... each on of them are engaged when we enter the solitude that we seek.

    I wish you good health and continued painting joy. But I know that those things are indeed spawned by our relationship of the landscape and the creatures that we meet out there.

    Stay healthy... and by all means... let us continue to connect... no matter the template or platform.

    Warmest regards and blessings,


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